
Kevin L. Bryan, Tiegeng Ren, Lisa DiPippo, Timothy Henry, Victor Fay-Wolfe Towards Optimal TDMA Frame Size in Wireless Sensor Networks, University of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR-324, March 2007 |
Tiegeng Ren, Kevin L. Bryan, and Lubos Thoma, On Coloring the Square of Unit Disk Graph, University of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR06-316, December 2006 |
L. DiPippo, D. Tucker, V. Fay-Wolfe, K.L. Bryan, T. Ren, W. Day, M. Murphy, T. Henry, and S. Joseph, Energy-Efficient MAC for Broadcast Problems in Wireless Sensor Networks, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems, Chicago, June 2006 |
Lisa DiPippo, Victor Fay-Wolfe, David Tucker, Kevin L Bryan, Tiegeng Ren, William Day, Matthew Murphy, Tim Henry, Modeling Real-Time Queries in Sensor Networks, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2006), Nashville, April 2006. |
Kevin Bryan, Tiegeng Ren, Jiangyin Zhang, Lisa DiPippo, Victor
Fay-Wolfe, The Design of the OpenSTARS Adaptive Analyzer for Real-Time
Systems, Proceedings of the 2005 Workshop on Parallel and Distributed
Real-Time Systems, Interlocken, Colorado, April 2005. |
K. Bryan, L. DiPippo, V. Fay-Wolfe, M. Murphy, J. Zhang, D. Fleeman,
D. Juedes, C. Liu, L. Welch, D. Niehaus, C. Gill, Integrated CORBA
Scheduling and Resource Management for Distributed Real-Time Embedded
Systems, Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology
and Applications Symposium, San Francisco, CA, March 2005. |
Jiangyin Zhang, Lisa DiPippo, Victor Fay-Wolfe, Kevin Bryan, Matthew
Murphy, A Real-Time Distributed Scheduling Service For Middleware
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Object-Oriented, Real-Time,
Dependable Systems, Sedona, AZ, Feb. 2005. |
K. Ramamritham, S. Son, L. DiPippo, Real-Time Databases and Data
Services,Real-Time Systems, Vol. 28, Issue 2-3, Nov-Dec 2004. |
A. Uvarov, L. DiPippo, V. Fay-Wolfe, K. Bryan, P. Gadrow, T. Henry,
M. Murphy, P. Work, L. DiPalma, Static Real-Time Data Distribution,
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and
Applications Symposium, Toronto, Canada, May 2004, pp. 502-509. |
L. DiPippo, V. Fay-Wolfe, J. Zhang, M. Murphy, P. Gupta, Patterns
in Distributed Real-Time Scheduling, Proceedings of the 10th Conference
on Pattern Language of Programs 2003, Monticello, IL, Sept. 2003. |
Lisa Cingiser DiPippo, Victor Fay-Wolfe, Matthew Murphy, Priyanka Gupta, Jiangyin Zhang, Jianming Ye, Kevin Bryan, Strategized, Coordinated Services for Real-Time Middleware, Proceedings of the OMG's Workshop on Distributed Object Computing for Real-time and Embedded Systems, July 2003 |
Kevin Bryan, Matthew Murphy, Priyanka Gupta,Yu Liu, Lisa DiPippo, Victor Fay-Wolfe, The Design, Implementation, and Performance of the URI Static Scheduling and Real-Time Binding Services For TAO, Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on The ACE ORB (TAO), July 2003 |
Lisa DiPippo, Jiangyin Zhang, Matthew Murphy, Victor Fay Wolfe, Joseph Loyall, Richard Schantz, Craig Rodrigues, Jeff Parsons, Sandeep Neema, Balachandran Natarajan, and Aniruddha Gokhale, Towards Reducing the Complexity of Adaptive Real-Time Large-Scale
Distributed Embedded Systems, Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Large Scale Real-Time Embedded Systems at the IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, December 2002 |
Chris Gill, Lisa DiPippo, Victor Fay-Wolfe, Douglas Niehaus, Lonnie Welch, Mapping a Multi-Level Scheduling Pattern Language to Distributed Real-Time Embedded Applications, Proceedings of the Workshop on Patterns in Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Systems, Nov. 2002 |
Chris Gill, Douglas Niehaus, Venkita Subramonian, Lisa DiPippo, Victor Fay-Wolfe, Resource Rationalizer: A Pattern Language for Multi-Scale Scheduling, Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Pattern Language of Programs 2002, Monticello, IL, Sept. 2002 |
Louis DiPalma, Robert Kelly, Peter Kortmann, Ben Watson, Russ Johnston, Victor Fay Wolfe, Lisa DiPippo, Trudy Morgan, The Role of Middleware in Distributed Real-Time Embedded (DRE) Systems for Network Centric Combat Control (A Sensor-to-Shooter Perspective), Proceedings of the Real-Time & Embedded DOC Workshop 2002, July 2002 |
Lisa DiPippo, Victor Fay-Wolfe, Oleg Uvarov, Angela Uvarov, Trudy Morgan, Global Scheduling and Binding in a Real-Time Embedded Distributed System, Proceedings of the Real-Time & Embedded DOC Workshop 2002, July 2002 |
P. Peddi and L. DiPippo, A Replication Strategy for Distributed Real-Time Object-Oriented Databases, University Of Rhode Island, TR02-284, April 2002
Russ Johnston, Trudy Morgan, Victor Fay Wolfe, Lisa DiPippo, Lou DiPalma, Bob Kelly, John Bagley, Peter Kortmann, Ben Watson, Adding QoS Dynamic Adaptation Services to TAO for Timeliness, High Availability, and Data Management, Proceedings of the First Workshop on The ACE ORB, August 2001 |
L. C. DiPippo and L. Nair, Expressing Quality of Service in Agent Communication, University of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR01-281, June 2001 |
Praveen Peddi, A Replication Strategy for Distributed Real-Time Object-Oriented Databases, University Of Rhode Island, TR01-282, May 2001 |
Ethan Hodys, A Scheduling Algorithm for a Real-Time Multi-Agent System, University of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR00-275, Aug. 2000
Lekshmi S. Nair, Extending ACL to Support Communication in a Real-Time Multi-Agent System, University of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR00-279, Dec 2000 |
L. C. DiPippo, V. F. Wolfe, L. Nair, E. Hodys, O. Uvarov, A Real-Time Multi-Agent System Architecture for E-Commerce Applications, University of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR00-280, Dec. 2000 |
V.F. Wolfe, L.C. DiPippo, G. Cooper, R. Johnston, P. Kortman, B. Thuraisingham, Real-Time CORBA, Univeristy Of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR00-276, Oct. 2000 |
L. DiPippo, B. Thuraisingham, E. Hodys, Towards a Real-Time Agent Architecture - A Whitepaper, University of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR99-273, Nov. 1999 |
L. DiPippo and L. Ma, A UML Package for Specifying Real-Time Objects, University of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR99-274, Nov. 1999 |
M. Squadrito, L. Esibov, L. DiPippo, V. F. Wolfe, G. Cooper, B. Thuraisingham, P. Krupp, M. Milligan, R. Johnston, R. Bethmangalkar,The Affected Set Priority Ceiling Protocols for Real-Time Object-Oriented Systems, University of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR98-264, July. 1999 |
Ramachandra Bethmangalkar, Schedulability Analysis in Static Real-Time Systems: Priority Mapping and DASPCP for Real-Time CORBA
, Univeristy Of RhodeIsland, Technical Report, TR99-269, May 1999 |
Ling Ma, Integration of Real-Time Objects into a Distributed Multi-User Virtual Environment, University of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR99-268, May. 1999 |
L. DiPippo and R. Johnston, Real-Time Collaborative Planning and Multi-User Environment, University of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR98-121, Dec. 1998 |
L. DiPippo, V. F. Wolfe, L. Esibov, G. Cooper, R. Johnston, B. Thuraisingham, J. Mauer, Scheduling and Priority Mapping for Static Real-Time Middleware, University of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR98-261, Sept. 1998 |
L. DiPippo, V. F. Wolfe, R. Ginis, M. Squadrito, T. Wheeler, A Scheduling Service for a Dynamic Real-Time CORBA System
, University Of Rhode Island, Technical Report,TR98-263 Aug. 1998
Victor Fay Wolfe, Lisa Cingiser DiPippo, Roman Ginis, Michael Squadrito, Steven Wohlever, Igor Zykh and Russell Johnston, Expressing and Enforcing Timing Constraints in a Dynamic Real-time CORBA System, University Of Rhode Island, Technical Report,TR98-260, June 1998
Levon Esibov, Support for Automated Schedulability Analysis for Distributed Real-Time Middleware, University Of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR99-270, May 1998
Gregory Jones, Scheduling with Temporal and Logical Constraints, University Of Rhode Island, TR98-267, May 1998
Qingli Jiang, Integration of Real-Time Object-Oriented Database and Real-Time CORBA into Legacy Software, University Of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR98-265, May 1998 |
Yuruo Chen, Integration of Real-Time CORBA into an Existing Distributed Planning Architecture, University Of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR98-266, May 1998
M. Squadrito, L. Esibov, L. DiPippo, V. F. Wolfe, G. Cooper, B. Thuraisingham, P. Krupp, M. Milligan, R. Johnston, Concurrency Control in Real-Time Object-Oriented Systems: The Affected Set Priority Ceiling Protocols, University Of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR98-262, Apr. 1998 |
G. Cooper, L. DiPippo, L. Esibov, R. Ginis, R. Johnston, P. Kortman, P, Krupp, J. Mauer, M. Squadrito, B. Thuraisingham, S. Wohlever, V. F. Wolfe, Real-Time CORBA Development at MITRE, NRaD, TriPacific, and URI, University Of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR97-272, Dec. 1997 |
Igor Zykh, Timed Distributed Method Invocations in CORBA, University Of Rhode Island, TR97-254, May 1997 |
Victor Fay Wolfe, Lisa Cingiser DiPippo, Roman Ginis, Michael Squadrito, Steven Wohlever, Igor Zykh and Russell Johnston, Real-Time CORBA, University Of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR97-256, June 1997 |
Robert J. Pollack, Jr., Real-Time COTS Message Communication for C3I Systems, University Of Rhode Island, TR97-252, May 1997 |
Steven C. Wohlever, Concurrency Control in a Dynamic Real-Time Distributed Object Computing Environment, University Of Rhode Island, TR97-253, May 1997 |
Victor Fay Wolfe and Russell Johnston, Real-Time CORBA in the Distributed Hybrid Database Architecture, University Of Rhode Island, TR97-250, Feb. 1997 |
Yong Yuan, SMOS: A Memory-Resident Object Store, University Of Rhode Island, TR97-257 , Jan 1997 |
L. Cingiser DiPippo, V. Fay Wolfe, Object-Based Semantic Real-Time Concurrency Control with Bounded Imprecision, University Of Rhode Island, TR97-247, Feb. 1997
L. Cingiser DiPippo and V. Fay Wolfe, Performance of Object-Based Semantic Real-Time Concurrency Control, University Of Rhode Island, TR95-245 , Oct 1996 |
R. Ginis, J.J. Prichard, and V. Fay Wolfe, The Design of an Open System with Distributed Real-Time Requirements, University Of Rhode Island, TR96-251, June 1996 |
Russell Johnston, V.F. Wolfe, M. Steele, Real-Time CORBA, University Of Rhode Island, TR96-253, June 1996 |
Michael Squadrito, Extending the Priority Ceiling Protocol Using Read/Write Affected Set Semantics, University Of Rhode Island, TR97-258 , April 1996 |
M. Squadrito, L. Cingiser DiPippo, and V. Fay Wolfe, The Affected Set Priority Ceiling Protocol For Real-time Object-Oriented Databases, University Of Rhode Island, TR96-250 , Mar. 1996 |
V. Fay. Wolfe, J. Black, B. Thuraisingham, P. Krupp, Real-Time Method Inovcations in Distributed Environments, University Of Rhode Island, TR95-244, Jan. 1996 |
J.J. Prichard, RTSQL, University of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR95-002, July 1995 |
L. Cingiser DiPippo and V. Fay Wolfe, Real-Time Databases, University Of Rhode Island, TR96-001 , May 1995 |
L. Cingiser DiPippo, Semantic Real-Time Object-based Concurrency Control, University of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR95-001, May 1995 |
J. J. Prichard, P. J. Fortier, Victor Fay Wolfe, Real-Time SQL: Extensions for Support of Real-Time Database Systems
, University of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR94-241, Oct. 1994
L. Cingiser DiPippo, The Design of Real-Time Extensions to the Open Object-Oriented Database System
, University of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR94-236, June 1994 |
P. Fortier, J. J. Prichard, V. Fay Wolfe, Flexible Real-Time SQL Transactions, University of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR94-235, May 1994 |
J. Peckham, V. Fay Wolfe, J. J. Prichard, L. Cingiser DiPippo, RTSORAC: Design of a Real-Time Object-Oriented Database System
, University of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR94-231, Feb 1994 |
L. Cingiser DiPippo and V. Fay. Wolfe, Real-Time Semantic Object-based Concurrency Control, University of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR93-219, Dec 1993 |
V. Fay Wolfe, K.F. Lau, Real-Time Object-Oriented Database Support for Intelligent Program Stock Trading, University of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR93-214, June 1993 |
V.Fay Wolfe,L. Cingiser, J. Peckham, J. Prichard, A Model for Real-Time Object-Oriented Databases, University of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR93-216, Jan 1993 |
G.A. Bussiere, J. Oblinger, V. Fay Wolfe, Real-Time Considerations in Submarine Target Motion Analysis (No electronic version. Must be ordered from URI Dept. of Computer Science Secretary)
, University of Rhode Island, Technical Report, TR93-215, Jan 1993